In a world where travel enthusiasts often grapple with the challenge of finding affordable and reliable accommodation, Prafulla Mathur emerged as a visionary entrepreneur, reshaping the...
In a remarkable display of cooperation and goodwill, the “peace clinic” program between a Pakistani and an Indian hospital facilitated a unique event in Karachi: an...
In a world of bustling lives and takeaway orders, the comforting aroma of ‘ghar ka khana‘ (homemade food) remains a nostalgic reverie for many. Neha Puri,...
Monica Kanwar‘s journey into the world of real estate entrepreneurship began with a personal realization – the need for an informed platform that empowers buyers to...
India’s rapid adoption of smartphones, driven by affordability and accessibility, has been a game-changer. With a projected 314 million mobile internet users by 2017, the potential...
In the rapidly growing Indian hyperlocal sector, one name stands out for its unique approach and ambitious expansion plans: Samar Singla. As the co-founder and CEO...
In a world where weddings are grand, complex affairs, Hemant Kanakia and Alok Mittal, investors from the Indian Angel Network (IAN), are sowing the seeds of...
In a world where busy lives and health consciousness go hand in hand, the demand for fresh, chemical-free vegetables remains constant. Purnima Rao, the founder of...
Shibani Kashyap, the renowned artiste and singer, defines herself as a free spirit and a Sufi, an embodiment of artistry and authenticity. Unveiling her story, one...
Celebrations in India are synonymous with sweets, and when Aishwarya Goel added a touch of edible gold to this culinary tradition, she created something truly exceptional....