Alex Husted is the Founder and CEO of Helpsy, a B Corp with a mission to decrease material waste by assisting individuals with reusing their pre-owned...
Kelly Peeler is the Founder and CEO of NextGenVest, a New York City based start- up that is helping a worldwide local area of understudies to...
Jack Amend is the originator and CEO of the Web Neutral Project, an advantageous company expecting to alleviate the Internet’s reliance on petroleum products through a...
Lisa Curtis is the organizer and CEO of Kuli Kuli, a brand spearheading the economically sourced superfood Moringa which is a protein-rich verdant green, more nutritious...
Rachel Sumekh is the Founder and CEO of Swipe Out Hunger, an association that is the main philanthropic intending to hunger among undergraduates. Her work has...
Lauren Singer is Founder and CEO of Package Free, an organization set up to make the world less horrible by offering items that assist you with...
Mark Groden is the Founder of SkyRyse, which is creating FlightOS, the world’s first widespread flight deck and working framework. FlightOS consolidates a locally available PC...
Vikas Birhma is prime supporter and CEO of Gramhal. Its point is to build the pay of smallholder farmers in India by giving them post-collect administrations,...
Pooja Kaul is founder of Organiko, a social venture situated in India that uses donkey milk which is a well known wonder treatment in old Egypt...
Ashley Brichter is the Founder and CEO of BirthSmarter which gives viable astuteness and direction to the up and coming age of families through pregnancy and...