Elisha Parikh, also known as Elithebaker, is a 15-year-old self-educated baker from Mumbai who utilizes the returns of her flourishing business to add to different admirable...
Javad Safaee with the artistic name of (3afaee) is a popular Iranian musician who was able to become famous in his youth.
Pooja Dhingra is an Indian cake culinary specialist in pastries and a famous businesswoman. She is the organizer of India’s first macaron store, Le 15 Patisserie...
For the reality tv show audiences, Pratik Shejpal is an exceptionally normal and well-known name these days because he has participated in the Karan Johar hosted...
When it comes to Indian YouTube, everyone has heard the name Harsh Beniwal. But behind his all successful videos there is the creative mind of his...
Shreya Patel is an Indo-Canadian actress, writer, producer, and mental wellbeing enthusiast. She has featured in a ton of more modest movies, work on dramatic creations,...
Ekam Bawa is a renowned Punjabi artist who is most popular for his song Lalkaare. This is his melody which has been most-watched with 13 million...
Nisha Kapoor is an International Honor-winning artist with alliance from UNESCO (a United Nations body). Her gifts as a craftsman range across painting, filmmaking, composing and...
Rachel Brathen is an incredibly famous yoga teacher known for her rousing lessons living with her family in Aruba. She is the New York Times smash...
Topoh, the new-age experimental dark pop singer officially announces her new album ‘GIRLS’ will be released August 21st. Her new album ‘GIRLS’ is her first 14-track...