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Sameera Satija Fighting Plastic Pollution with a Steel Utensil Bank



Sameera Satija

As India grapples with the plastic waste crisis, one woman from Gurugram is leading the charge against single-use plastics. Meet Sameera Satija, a 45-year-old Central government employee whose initiative is making waves in the fight against plastic pollution. India’s battle against plastic waste is far from over, with plastic litter continuing to pile up on streets and clog drains. While a complete ban on single-use plastics is still on the horizon, there’s a growing awareness and conscious effort to reduce plastic consumption, particularly in disposable items like bags and cutlery.

Sameera Satija’s Unique Solution:

Sameera Satija has taken a significant step towards curbing plastic usage by establishing a steel utensil bank. Her initiative, known as the “Crockery Bank For Everyone,” provides a wide range of steel utensils, from spoons to plates, with a primary focus on meeting the needs of large-scale social and religious gatherings. The best part? It’s all free. Anyone in need of utensils can simply send a message through the initiative’s Facebook page. They can then collect the required utensils from the bank by presenting their government-approved ID cards. After using the utensils, users are encouraged to wash and dry them before returning them to the bank, again at no cost.

To make the process accessible, Sameera has simplified the requirements. Users can provide a written letter signed by their Resident Welfare Association (RWA) or ward councillor specifying the number of crockery items needed and the event details. If this isn’t possible, two members from the group can provide copies of two IDs each, with at least one being an Aadhaar card.

The Birth of a Sustainable Idea:

Sameera’s journey towards this innovative solution began on June 22, 2018, when she decided to serve only steel glasses at her community’s chhabeel (free water service in the Sikh religion) and steel plates at bhandara (free meal service). Her commitment to reducing plastic waste quickly gained momentum and inspired others to open branches of the Crockery Bank For Everyone across Gurugram. These branches are run voluntarily by citizens who share Sameera’s passion for sustainability.

Why It’s Free:

When asked why she doesn’t charge a fee for her initiative, Sameera’s answer is clear: she wants to motivate more people to use the bank by highlighting the cost savings and environmental benefits. Her goal is to reduce the use of disposable plastic. Since its launch, the initiative has saved an impressive 100,000 items of disposable plastic. There are now nine branches in Gurugram and Delhi.

Sameera’s efforts have yielded positive results beyond plastic reduction. Borrowers of utensils have started contributing to the bank by adding more utensils. Cleaning the utensils can be a daunting task, but the bank has opted for sustainability by using organic soapnut or reetha powder. Additionally, the wastewater generated during cleaning is repurposed for watering plants.

Sameera Satija‘s commitment to fighting plastic pollution with her steel utensil bank serves as a shining example of how individual initiatives can make a significant impact on the environment. As more communities embrace sustainable practices, the hope for a plastic-free future in India grows brighter.


Chef Vanshika Bhatia: Paving the Way for Women in Culinary Excellence



Chef Vanshika Bhatia stands as a trailblazer in the culinary world, actively working to break gender barriers and create a more inclusive space within professional kitchens. Her commitment to hiring more women in her kitchen is not just about diversity; it’s a recognition of the unique strengths and perspectives that women bring to the culinary industry.

Chef Bhatia’s advocacy for women in the kitchen extends beyond gender diversity; it’s about fostering a work environment where women can thrive and excel. She emphasizes that women not only work better but are also more receptive to feedback, creating a positive and collaborative atmosphere in the culinary workspace. “Some male chefs get intimidated and then feel awkward; their ego gets in the middle,” Chef Bhatia remarks. By actively seeking to empower women in her kitchen, she challenges traditional notions and demonstrates the transformative impact of diversity on culinary excellence.

While acknowledging that there is still progress to be made, Chef Bhatia underscores the importance of applauding the strides that have already been achieved in the culinary industry. Women are increasingly taking leadership roles—as head chefs, chef-partners, and chef-owners. The evolving landscape reflects a positive shift in attitudes and opportunities for women in a traditionally male-dominated field. Chef Kohli adds a crucial perspective, noting that support plays a pivotal role in enabling women to succeed in the culinary industry. Many women, in the past, faced challenges due to a lack of support from their families to work late hours or join a male-dominated profession. However, Chef Kohli observes that this scenario is changing, emphasizing the importance of evolving support systems for women pursuing careers in the culinary arts.

Chef Vanshika Bhatia’s efforts to create an inclusive and supportive kitchen environment make her a catalyst for change within the culinary landscape. Her commitment to hiring more women and recognizing their contributions challenges stereotypes and inspires other chefs to rethink traditional norms. As Chef Bhatia continues to pave the way for women in culinary excellence, she exemplifies the transformative power of leadership and advocacy within the industry. Her story is not just one of personal success but also a narrative of empowerment, resilience, and a vision for a more diverse and inclusive future in the culinary arts.

Chef Vanshika Bhatia’s journey represents a powerful narrative of redefining culinary leadership and championing inclusivity within professional kitchens. By actively promoting gender diversity and recognizing the strengths of women chefs, she contributes to reshaping the industry’s dynamics.

As the culinary world evolves, Chef Bhatia’s efforts serve as a beacon of change, inspiring others to embrace diversity, challenge stereotypes, and create environments where every chef, regardless of gender, can thrive. Chef Vanshika Bhatia’s impact extends beyond her culinary creations; it lies in the doors she is opening for future generations of women in the vibrant and diverse world of professional kitchens.

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Chef Doma Wang: Breaking Barriers and Paving the Way for Women in Indian Kitchens



Chef Doma Wang, affectionately known as the ‘Momo Queen of Kolkata,’ stands as a culinary maven breaking barriers and paving the way for women in the vibrant landscape of Indian kitchens. Her journey is not just one of culinary excellence but also a testament to the resilience and determination required for women chefs to make their mark in a predominantly male-dominated industry.

Chef Doma Wang’s culinary journey took an unconventional turn when she was assigned to the pasta section—a tiny room with space for only one person. Little did she know that this seemingly confined space would become the launching pad for her culinary brand. In 2020, on World Pasta Day, Chef Wang unveiled her brand, marking the beginning of a new chapter in her culinary career. The challenges faced by women chefs, often relegated to specific sections or underestimated roles, are not unfamiliar to Chef Doma Wang. However, her ability to turn adversity into opportunity exemplifies the resilience that defines her culinary prowess.

Chef Doma Wang, often referred to as the ‘Momo Queen of Kolkata,’ acknowledges that there is still a long way to go for women chefs to gain the recognition they deserve. In her view, the commercial kitchens in India are predominantly ruled by men, and the narrative around famous Indian chefs often revolves around those based abroad.

“Unfortunately, it’s still the men who rule the commercial kitchens in our country. When one talks of famous Indian chefs, it’s mostly those who are based abroad – Asma Khan, Maneet Chauhan, Garima Arora, to name a few. I am hopeful that in a few years from now, more female chefs will climb the ladder as head chefs,” Chef Wang shares. Her optimism reflects a belief in the transformative power of time and the potential for a more inclusive culinary industry. Chef Doma Wang’s culinary ventures, The Blue Poppy Thakali and Boma Asian Bakery, are not merely eateries but reflections of her culinary innovation and entrepreneurial spirit. Through her establishments, Chef Wang not only showcases her culinary expertise but also contributes to redefining the narrative for women in Indian kitchens.

The challenges faced by women chefs, often relegated to specific sections or underestimated roles, are not unfamiliar to Chef Doma Wang. However, her ability to turn adversity into opportunity exemplifies the resilience that defines her culinary prowess.

Chef Doma Wang’s impact extends beyond her culinary ventures; it serves as an inspiration for the next generation of women chefs aspiring to break into the culinary world. Her journey challenges stereotypes and underscores the potential for women to excel in every aspect of the culinary profession. As the ‘Momo Queen of Kolkata,’ Chef Doma Wang represents not just a culinary icon but a symbol of empowerment and determination. Her story invites more women to embrace their passion for cooking, dismantle gender barriers, and assert their presence in the diverse and dynamic world of Indian kitchens.

Chef Doma Wang’s journey is a narrative of resilience, determination, and culinary brilliance. From navigating confined spaces to launching her culinary brand, she has defied stereotypes and emerged as a culinary pioneer shaping the future. As more women chefs like Chef Doma Wang ascend the ranks and establish themselves as leaders in the culinary realm, the narrative of Indian kitchens is undergoing a transformation—one that celebrates diversity, talent, and the indomitable spirit of women in the culinary arts. Chef Doma Wang’s legacy is not just in her delectable creations but in the doors she has opened for future generations of women chefs in India.

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Chef Anukriti Anand: Paving the Way for Women in Professional Kitchens with Creativity and Determination



Chef Anukriti Anand, the visionary behind Altogether Experimental, is not merely crafting culinary delights but reshaping the narrative for women in professional kitchens. In a realm where gender stereotypes have long hindered progress, Chef Anand stands as a trailblazer, challenging misconceptions and empowering a new generation of female chefs.

For decades, the perception prevailed that women belonged solely in home kitchens, not professional ones. Chef Anukriti Anand, the Chef-Owner at Altogether Experimental, reflects on the longstanding misconception that hindered women from pursuing careers in the culinary world. She emphasizes that this perception has changed recently, with more people recognizing the prowess of women chefs in top culinary positions. “Women are top chefs everywhere, but this is quite recent. Everyone is getting educated about this, and people are finally beginning to understand what it really takes to be in the kitchen,” Chef Anand asserts. The evolving perception highlights a shift in understanding the creativity, agility, and dedication required in the culinary profession, challenging the notion that it is an exclusive domain for men.

At Altogether Experimental, Chef Anukriti Anand has established more than a culinary destination; it is a testament to breaking barriers and fostering an environment where creativity thrives. An all-girls run kitchen, specialty coffee bar, and modern patisserie in New Delhi, Altogether Experimental is not just a culinary venture but a celebration of the strength and talent of women in the culinary domain. “You have to be creative and be on your toes all the time, and it’s not a bad profession to be in. Young female chefs are willing to work long hours, learn and grow, and open up their own restaurants,” Chef Anand remarks. Her words resonate with a new wave of female chefs eager to make their mark, demonstrating that the kitchen is a space for innovation, skill development, and professional growth.

Chef Anukriti Anand’s journey echoes the experiences of many women in professional kitchens. In her previous roles, she often found herself as the sole female chef amidst a predominantly male team. This scenario, she believes, compels women to go the extra mile to prove themselves. The challenges faced by women in male-dominated kitchens are often multifaceted, requiring not only culinary skill but also resilience and assertiveness. “At Le Cirque, I was the only woman chef amongst a team of 16 men, which meant a lot of conflicts. I grew tired of fighting with every single person,” recalls Chef Anand. Her experience underscores the persistence and determination required for women to establish their presence and command respect in professional kitchens.

Chef Anukriti Anand’s contribution to the culinary landscape extends beyond her own ventures. By challenging stereotypes and providing a platform for women in her kitchen, she contributes to shaping a more inclusive future for the culinary industry in India. Her story becomes a source of inspiration for aspiring chefs, proving that gender is not a determinant of culinary excellence. In Altogether Experimental, Chef Anand has created more than a culinary haven; she has established a paradigm for women to thrive in professional kitchens. As the culinary scene continues to evolve, Chef Anukriti Anand’s impact resonates as a beacon of empowerment and creativity, breaking down barriers and inviting more women to embrace their passion for cooking in professional spheres.

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