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Disabled Physically but Genius By Mind, Josh Wintersgill



Josh Wintersgill is a multi-capable and profoundly effective youthful British business person, yearning Paralympian and originator of Able Move Ltd.

His organization creates the easyTravelseat, an inventive exchange gadget planned explicitly for individuals with Physical Reduced Mobility to guarantee security, pride and solace when being moved all through a wheelchair.

Josh Wintersgill was a year’s GBEA Young Entrepreneur of the year and South West Entrepreneur of the year and in 2018, he won the UK Stelios Awards for Disabled Entrepreneurs for fire up called easyTravelseat. Demonstrating an item which empowers wheelchair clients more security, respect and solace when getting moved all through their seats.

He has an actual incapacity called Spinal Muscular Atrophy, which is a reformist muscle wastage condition. He was determined to have the condition for a year and a half and he has been in a wheelchair since he was 10. Subsequent to graduating with a degree in Information Technology and Management for Business at the University of the West of England, Josh labored for a very long time with an IT organization as a network protection administrator. Presently he maintains his own business, Able Move. He likewise does a considerable amount of chipping in with various foundations around the UK, including Leonard Cheshire, Disabled Living and Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK. He is additionally preparing to be essential for the 2024 Great British Paralympic shooting crew and as of now he is on the Great Britain Air Rifle Talent and Development Squad.

He has consistently been the kind of individual who simply continues ahead with it. He additionally accepts that with innovation making everything more available for impaired individuals, much of the time, our inability ought not influence our capacity to work.



Empowering Women’s Fitness: Taru Chaddha’s Journey to RedMat Pilates



Taru Chaddha

In the vibrant urban landscapes of Gurgaon and New Delhi, a trailblazing fitness haven emerged from one woman’s pursuit of post-pregnancy well-being. Meet Taru Chaddha, the visionary mind behind RedMat Pilates, who embarked on a transformative mission to offer personalized fitness solutions through a network of exclusive Pilates studios. Her endeavor marks a revolutionary shift in how women approach their holistic wellness

Pilates: A Scientific Path to Transformation

Taru’s odyssey into the realm of fitness began after the birth of her second child, when she embarked on a quest for an effective post-pregnancy workout. Frustrated by the limitations of conventional fitness regimens, she stumbled upon Pilates – a scientific methodology that deeply resonated with her. The profound integration of health history, fitness level, and distinct objectives, coupled with the accessibility of world-class international training, kindled Taru’s inspiration and sowed the seeds of RedMat Pilates.

From Corporate Endeavors to Fitness Entrepreneurship

With an unwavering passion and an aspiration to bridge evident fitness gaps, Taru transitioned from her conventional career in the Process Outsourcing industry and banking. Fueling her commitment, she elevated her qualifications, becoming a certified Pilates Instructor from Canada’s prestigious STOTT School. Her pursuit extended to a level 2 training in Neurokinetic therapy – an intricate practice focused on rectifying muscle dysfunctions for injury recovery.

Three Pain Points Shaping a Transformative Vision

RedMat Pilates’ genesis was rooted in Taru’s determination to address three pivotal pain points. A dearth of competent fitness trainers capable of tailoring programs to individual needs, coupled with the surge in lifestyle-related challenges like weight management and stress, catalysed her endeavour. Additionally, a dearth of platforms addressing women’s distinct fitness requisites spurred Taru’s creation of a comprehensive fitness solution.

Humble Beginnings: Pilates Sessions that Sparked a Revolution

Taru’s journey commenced with modest endeavours, as she conducted Pilates sessions within her condominium’s intimate clubhouse. Her distinctive approach, pulsating energy, and unwavering commitment attracted attention, including that of her supportive husband. Encouraged by his belief in her vision, Taru ventured into the studio format. Her meticulous research laid the foundation for RedMat Pilates’ inaugural studio, strategically situated in Gurgaon – a tribute to her personal connection with the region and her transformative journey.

RedMat Pilates Unveiled: A Name Reflecting Transformation

The poignant name “RedMat Pilates” holds profound significance, epitomizing Taru’s profound metamorphosis through the practice. The studio’s allure extends beyond its name, boasting internationally-trained instructors, injury rehabilitation specialists, and seasoned diet experts. The comprehensive offerings encompass an array of personalized and group sessions, spanning mat and machine Pilates to barre, complemented by meticulous diet counseling.

Catering to Diverse Wellness Journeys

RedMat Pilates embraces a diverse clientele, catering to a spectrum of unique wellness journeys. From teenagers seeking to rectify posture issues to brides-to-be sculpting their physique for their wedding day, and from new mothers embarking on post-pregnancy fitness journeys to individuals preparing for active running in their 40s, Taru’s holistic vision extends to women in their 50s and 60s, endeavoring to relish vibrant golden years.

Growth and Determination: Navigating the Fitness Landscape

Embarking on a path defined by determination and growth, RedMat Pilates commenced as a bootstrap endeavor, gradually securing support through family and friends rounds, eventually culminating in an angel round. Today, the brand thrives with three bustling studios – two in Gurgaon and one in Delhi – fueled by a dedicated team of ten professionals, including trainers and administrative experts.

Taru attributes her journey’s triumphs to the unwavering support and mentorship of her husband, Vishal – a seasoned entrepreneur well-versed in the startup realm. His insights and experience play a pivotal role in steering the business toward excellence, managing the intricacies that accompany running a studio beyond the realm of teaching.

Envisioning a Wellness Empire: RedMat Pilates’ Expansion Goals

RedMat Pilates charts an ambitious path toward establishing itself as a premier fitness and wellness brand tailored to women. With a focus on expanding across Delhi NCR and extending its footprint throughout North India, the brand places paramount importance on integrating technology and streamlined processes to elevate customer experiences. The innovative app facilitates seamless booking, cancellation, and waitlisting for sessions, while cloud-based health progress tracking empowers trainers to provide targeted interventions.

Taru Chaddha imparts her wealth of fitness wisdom, emphasizing five essential tips for a balanced lifestyle. Prioritize self-care by dedicating time to personal well-being, cultivate a mindset that values feeling fit over external appearance, make mindful dietary choices while avoiding trendy fads, practice portion control to savor a balanced diet, and embrace strength training to enhance calorie burn, bolster bone health, and amplify muscle mass.

Taru Chaddha’s Empowering Odyssey: Pioneering Women’s Well-Being

Taru Chaddha’s remarkable journey – from her pursuit of post-pregnancy fitness to the inception of RedMat Pilates – stands as a testament to her unwavering determination, boundless passion, and steadfast dedication to empowering women’s holistic well-being. Her vision has not only redefined women’s fitness but also instilled a transformative ethos in the pursuit of wellness.

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Shipra Dawar: Championing Mental Wellness with ePsyClinic



Shipra Dawar

Empowering Mental Wellbeing

In a nation where over 7 million individuals are affected by depression, and 36 percent are susceptible to mental health ailments at some point in their lives, Shipra Dawar emerges as a beacon of hope. Her brainchild, ePsyClinic, is propelling the dialogue surrounding mental wellness, breaking down barriers and combating the stigmas that shroud mental health issues.

From Struggle to Inspiration:

Shipra Dawar’s journey into the realm of mental wellness was deeply personal. While pursuing higher education in Australia, she grappled with the isolating tendrils of depression, triggered by the challenges of adapting to a new environment far from home. Amidst her struggles, a perceptive professor recommended therapy, a suggestion that initially irked Shipra, echoing the common denial often associated with mental health issues. Her own journey paved the path for ePsyClinic, a platform dedicated to dispelling ignorance and fostering understanding.

The Path to Empowerment:

Hailing from Chandigarh, Shipra inherited her father’s passion for community service, which eventually led her to establish ePsyClinic in 2015. Her mission: to make healthcare services accessible to all, dismantling the notion that wellness is a luxury reserved for a privileged few. Shipra’s commitment to the cause is evident in the composition of her workforce, with 80 percent of ePsyClinic’s employees being women.

A Vision Blossoms:

A graduate of the Australian National University, Shipra’s determination and passion for welfare fuelled the establishment of ePsyClinic. Bootstrapping the venture with support from friends and family, she initiated the platform by setting up virtual clinics in malls and corporate offices in Delhi and Gurgaon. These clinics aimed to normalize conversations around mental health and mitigate the stigma associated with it.

Revolutionizing Mental Wellness:

ePsyClinic’s impact is tangible, evident in its IWill therapy app, launched in June 2017. With over 1.5 million unique visitors each month and more than 30,000 registered users, the platform is redefining mental wellness. The IWill app employs an algorithm-based assessment to tailor therapy, ensuring personalized support for every user. This revolutionary approach, combined with over 45 in-house therapists and counsellors, has resulted in more than a lakh of offline sessions and over 3,500 on the IWill app.

Promoting Understanding and Recovery:

The challenges faced by ePsyClinic were twofold: creating a science of online therapy from scratch and overcoming skepticism surrounding mental health recovery. Shipra’s vision encompassed both therapy and training, leading to the development of copyrighted and proprietary programs that employ neuro-linguistic programming for accurate diagnosis and effective therapy delivery.

Fostering Dialogue and Change:

Shipra’s mission extends beyond ePsyClinic’s immediate impact. The platform aims to raise awareness and educate society about the importance of mental health. While challenges persist, such as the lack of conversation and understanding around mental health, Shipra’s determination remains unshaken. Her vision for a stigma-free community and nationwide awareness drives her pursuit of change.

Championing Personal Growth:

Shipra Dawar’s path hasn’t been without obstacles, yet she views each setback as a stepping stone towards success. Her journey teaches aspiring entrepreneurs that unwavering faith and tenacity are the keys to triumph. Looking forward, ePsyClinic is poised to scale its IWill Therapy app, with plans to raise seed funding and introduce additional treatment modules, including a remote psychiatry feature for rural India.

In a world where mental health remains a misunderstood and often neglected aspect of well-being, Shipra Dawar stands as a testament to the power of determination, innovation, and the potential for transformative change.

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Tara Mitra Making Yoga Modern Through The Digital Age



Spirituality and meditation is huge in todays world! Platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram showcase this type of lifestyle everywhere. It’s fascinating. Can deep breathes and wide stretches really change your life? But it’s more than just that.

Tara Mitra is a yoga therapist & ashtanga teacher who 47 years old and was born in Toronto, Ontario Canada on October 8, 1974. Tara has over 18 years of experience with meditation, spirituality and yoga. Tara has many achievements as a yoga therapist. She is also an authorized Ashtanga Teacher (1st & 2nd series), who has studied with Tim Miller and has been teaching yoga for the last 12 years.

Tara has a growing social media following of over 17,000 followers on Instagram actively keeping up with her yoga content daily. Tara teaches many students in person in Sicily, Italy and posts about her work on social media. Her work is incredible, and has definitely not gone unnoticed by the media.

With her being a local yoga teacher, we believe that it’s phenomenal how so many users on Instagram have been able to be so captivated by one’s work without fully being able to experience it. Tara’s knowledge of meditation for over 18 years is definitely a mastered skill that is not only benefiting her local students but the world that is tuned into her content as well. We believe that there is news going around that Tara will start making her yoga practices available online in some sort of way coming in the near future.

We believe Tara Mitra’s career is bright. The future for her content as a professional yoga practitioner has the potential to sky rocket and change youth, millennials, and elders through the use of digital online technology.

Connect with Tara Mitra here –

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