
One Of The Nation’s Youngest CEO and the Founder of TechAPTO, Anubhav Wadhwa



Anubhav Wadhwa is a twenty one years old entrepreneur in technology, designer, big data analyst, computer programmer, and social activist from the bottom of the pyramid. He founded and currently leads TechAPTO. He uses collaborative technology platforms to advance the Sustainable Development Goals in a variety of fields, including health, education, and the environment. He attempts to forge close ties with national governments, international organisations, as well as significant umbrella groups and foundations.

Anubhav was born in Delhi and completed his primary education from London, he completed his degree in law from City University London. He also has a degree of social entrepreneurship from Oxford University, London.

He started Tyrelessly from his house and intends to spread it throughout India. The unwavering goal of Tyrelessly is to collaborate with communities, companies, and people to create a world free of trash. For his past inventive endeavours and commercial enterprises, like TechAPTO & Trends On Internet, he has been extensively reported by a variety of media, including Friday Gurgaon and Hindustan Times.

In 2013, Anubhav was listed as one of the nation’s youngest CEOs. He was the subject of a television documentary for the ProSieben channel’s Galileo programme, which is shown in more than 12 nations.

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